Hestia Housing
Project summary:
Project: The Hestia Approach
Performance & Impact Framework - To create a database which can
record, capture and analyse customer insights or feedback from up to 90
services encompassing up to 8 client groups and five service models. The data
will be qualitative and quantitative.
Time commitment: approx. 10 days, though this will need to be checked by the
volunteer in the light of information gathered at their first meeting.
Location: London
Please read project scope and if you feel you are
able to offer your assistance please complete the application form and return along with your
CV to hope.meadows@theorsociety.com by Friday 23rd
Information about the
Charitable objectives:
Our mission is to deliver high quality and
empowering housing, support, protection and care services in partnership with
service users and local communities.
Main activities of the
We support people fleeing domestic abuse, people
who have been trafficked, people with mental health, older people, young people,
ex-offenders, people with learning difficulties and physical disabilities.
Delivering support via accommodation based, outreach, community engagement and
advocacy services.
If you would like to volunteer on a project but
are not able to commit to the full time requirement please let me know as it
may be possible to pair you up with another analyst. Lastly if you would like to work on a project
as part of a pair or with the support of a mentor please indicate on your
application and we try to facilitate this.
I look forward to hearing from you and once again
thank you for your help and support.