Wednesday 1 July 2015

Pro Bono O.R.'s experience with #charityhour #ORblog

Charity Hour write up
On Wednesday 15th April #ProBonoOR was invited to participate in #charityhour which takes place every Wednesday from 8-9pm.

Over the course of the hour the #charityhour coordinator, Tahera Mayat, posed these 5 questions to the audience:
  • What role does Pro bono consultancy have to play in the Third Sector?
  • What's your experience of using pro bono consultancy?
  • What tips do you have for others considering using pro bono consultancy?
  • What type of projects benefit most from pro bono consultancy?
  • Big data is a big thing! What tips do you have for getting insights from your data?

There was great discussion and I must say I was following notifications on my phone and computer to keep up with all of the conversations happening.  It was very fast paced but very rewarding and a fantastic experience that I would love to be involved in again.  #charityhour is a great way to get charities talking about things that are important to them and a great place to make new connections.

These are a selection of tweets I sent out during the hour:
  • The purpose of O.R. is to enable managers to make more effective decisions #charityhour
  • #ProBonoOR can address a wide range of operational improvements #charityhour
  • O.R. can address many issues inc: Strategic planning/review, Impact measurement, Process improvement, Data analysis #charityhour
  • O.R. can address many issues inc: Business planning, Efficiency improvement, Options appraisal, Decision making #charityhour
  • 3rd sec orgs have even greater need to improve efficiency & effectiveness #ProBonoOR can address this #chariythour
  • Vol feedback: Being a #ProBonoOR vol is a great way to contribute some professional expertise to some truly worthwhile causes #charityhour
  •  For more information on #ProBonoOR please visit  #charityhour
  •  To see how #ProBonoOR could help your charity, check out all the projects we have completed so far
  • Org feedback: from an org perspective it's enabled us to take a highly professional approach to increasing our efficiency #charityhour

To get involved in #charityhour just attach the hashtag #charityhour to your tweets and then follow the discussion by searching for the hashtag in the search bar on your twitter account.  This will then display all the tweets containing the hashtag.

#charityhour takes place each Wednesday from 8-9pm and has a different topic each time.  Follow them at @CharityHourUK to learn more.

For more information on Pro Bono O.R. please visit:

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